COVID-19 Tracker Project

This project was created for UBC's cmd-f hackathon, 2020 :)

Serena Shen, Stephanie Chen, Grace Zhang, Alisa Yang

Hello! We're a team of UBC students with the goal of making a self-reporting COVID-19 symptoms tracker for the everyday citizen. Since not all people have access to on-demand healthcare, or might not have travelled (but still want to be aware of potential symptoms), anybody can log their symptoms onto a personal Google Calendar for both personal and professional records if needed. Our web application features:

  • Most recent news, specific to your location (data scraping with Python)
  • Ability to add symptoms (duration, symptom, and severity) to Google Calendar (Google API and request handling)
  • Real-time graph of recent symptoms (using JavaScript)
  • Option to save graph and/calendar as PDF and send it to a medical professional

To graph each date and severity level for a specific symptom, our code grabs the input form info and updates the arrays that control the scatterplots:

        startDate = document.getElementById("startDate").value;
	endDate = document.getElementById("endDate").value;
	symptom = document.getElementById("symptom").value;
	severity = document.getElementById("severity").value;

	if (symptom == 'coughing') {
	} else if (symptom == 'sneezing') {
	} else if (symptom == 'headache') {
	} else if (symptom == 'feverish') {

	Plotly.update('myDiv', data, layout);
